
4I Labs

About 4I Labs

The 4I Lab is IIT Guwahati’s newest and most advanced “maker space”. Unlike other club spaces on the campus, the 4I Lab is a central facility with hi-tech making equipment. The lab has emerged as an epicentre for technological innovations. Often, new project ideas can be stifled by lack of support or poor testing facilities; but the lab offers invaluable facilities and support to students to help get their ideas off the ground. The lab has motivated students to shape their ideas into one-of-a-kind creations. The current projects at the 4I Lab serve to achieve a broader goal which makes them different from normal club projects whose problem statements are specific. The lab consists of professors which are the faculty guides to on-going projects, a technical engineer which oversees all workshop related activities and undergraduate students of all streams and year of studying which are the driving force behind the magic which happens in the Lab.

Note by Chairman


4I Labs setup under IIT Guwahati is furnished with very advanced equipments and infrastructure to help the students solve challenging problems. It was setup in DD/MM/YYYY to promote